Until NOW ;-)
Below is a letter I just emailed to two of Avon's big-wigs; the V.P and the Sr. Mgr. of their Corporate Communications department/division. If I coulda located Avon's CEO's email, she too woulda gotta eyeful of my utter disgust with Avon today.
So without any further ado, here ya go:
Mr. Beaudet and Ms. Vargas,
Below I have copied and pasted emails which were recently transmitted between myself and 2 of Avon's customer service representatives. I now feel that the Vice President and Senior Manager of Avon's Corporate Communications should have a clear picture of the caliber of communication that is being disbursed on Avon's behalf. I will begin with my original email and the exact responses which followed, and end with my final albeit nasty response which I sent today:
Original Message Follows:
Customer Name : Donna Rocchio
Are there any available Avon reps or any online websites who sell only
discontinued items from Avon? I''ve already tried eBay but had no luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dear Avon - WCCC
To: MeanDonnaJean
Sent: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 12:28 pm
Subject: Re: Dear Avon Entry
ick on:
Shop Our Complete Online Store
There are multiple ways to navigate through the shop, you may:
Click on the brand logos in the top banner
Click on the products shown on the shop homepage
Pick a category on left navigation bag
Shop by product line on the bottom of the page
Once you’ve decided on the products you would like to purchase, enter the
quantity and version (if applicable) and click add to bag. You may continue
shopping or follow the directions on screen to complete your purchase.
It’s that simple! We hope you enjoy shopping with us!
If you have any further questions or concerns, please reply to this e-mail
message or call us any time, toll free at 1-800-500-AVON (2866) and a Customer
Service Specialist will be able to help.
AVON.com Customer Service
Original Message Follows: ------------------------
Oh for crissake! Never mind.
Does anybody ever actually READ anymore?
THIS was my question (with the subject details in red, I might add):
Original Message Follows:
Customer Name : Donna Rocchio
Are there any available Avon reps or any online websites who sell only
discontinued items from Avon? I've already tried eBay but had no luck....
to which I keep getting your generic cookie-cutter form-letter-style reply.
Thanks anyway.
FYI - the third time is NOT a charm. It's just aggravating.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dear Avon - WCCC
To: MeanDonnaJean
Sent: Thu, Jul 7, 2011 6:06 am
Subject: Re: Dear Avon Entry
Dear Donna,
I've received your message about response you have received to your questions
about discount Avon dealers. My name is Kyle and I’m happy to help you.
I have read your message and apologize if you feel that you have not been
properly responded to, this was not our intention. As to your question of
finding a discount Avon site or Representative, the prices shown in the Campaign
Catalogs that Representatives have are going to be the same for every Official
Avon Seller. There will occasionally be Outlet or Sale Catalogs or Promotions
however Avon.com and Avon Representatives do not normally control these prices
and therefore I am not aware of any Official Sites or Sellers of Avon Products
at discounted prices.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please reply to this e-mail
message or call us any time, toll free at 1-800-500-AVON (2866) and a Customer
Service Specialist will be able to help.
AVON.com Customer Service
* and this was today's final email to Avon, from lil' ol' MDJ *
Are you fucking people serious? Am I being Punk'd here? Do ALL wanna-be Avon reps have a "no-read" requirement before they begin working for this company? I honestly cannot believe this shit.
Not once, not twice, but THREE times now I've had to reiterate a simple-ass question to a couple of simple-minded assholes who have absolutely no business being in the customer service field. Needless to say, these are just a few prime examples of today's businesses and their "customer disservice" departments.....which definitely explains a LOT.
Even though I have been an extremely loyal Avon customer by purchasing ONLY their products for well over 25 years, if I were smart, I would discontinue doing so in a heartbeat.
This is absolute absurdity at its BEST.
Blogger Footnote:
Alls I was lookin' for was a possible way to purchase some of Avon's discontinued items.
Was I REALLY askin' all that much?
Bravo! That is brilliant!
Well done, Fucking corporations drive me nuts. Automated emails, or a merry go round phone system!
I understood it the first time I read it. Guess that's why I've had trouble getting a job. Rich has been telling me that if I was an idiot I'd of had a job long time ago.
Maybe the big wigs will find a way for you to get discounted discontinues. But I wouldn't bet on it.
Mean...I had a similar experience today with a tech rep regards my wireless router. It is going to be my next post.
But, what I have to say is..."My name is Kyle"...ain't! His name is...Mustaf. He worships cows (which is ok with me). Dips his skinny ass in a majorly polluted river, which will rot your dick off,once a year (whatever gets you on, you know), and loves Bollywood Movies. In other words...HE IS IN INJA...HE IS AN INDIA INDIAN, working for an "American" Corporation which has outsourced every employee except the CEO. Just saying.
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